Spotting in Children’s Outdoor Play 

When supervising outdoor risky play we can allow children more freedom in their explorations and movements when we are in a position to effectively spot them.   Basic spotting is something many parents do instinctively with their babies and toddlers as their child begins to master their newfound mobility skills. Many of us will be familiar … Read more

ParticipACTION 2015 Health Report Card

“As Dr. Mark Tremblay, the chief scientific officer of the ParticipACTION Report Card says, we have lost the balance between short-term safety and long-term health.  In outdoor play, risk doesnt mean courting danger, but rather giving kids the freedom to assess their surroundings and make decisions, allowing them to build confidence, develop skills, solve problems … Read more

Risk is essential to childhood – as are scrapes, grazes, falls and panic

Photograph: Susan K/Getty Images/Flickr Open

The Guardian author Kate Blinco hits the nail on the head with her article discussing the value of risky play for children and why parents need to back off and let their kids get bruised. Children need to be exposed to risky play. For ‘helicopter parents’, this might be difficult – but kids need to … Read more