WorkSafe Staff Policies

Daily Health Assessment

Staff are not to come to work if you:

  • Have travelled outside of Canada within the last 14 days.
  • Have been identified by Public Health as a close contact of someone with COVID-19
  • Have been told to isolate by Public Health
  • Are displaying any of the following new or worsening symptoms:
    • Fever or chills
    • cough
    • loss of sense of smell or taste
    • difficulty breathing
    • sore throat
    • loss of appetite
    • extreme fatigue or tiredness
    • headache
    • body aches
    • nausea or vomiting
    • diarrhea

Areas of Transmission: Risk Assessment

Pick up and Drop Off – staff potentially in close contact with parents outdoors
Be mindful to maintain distance.

Snack Time & Tent – confined indoor/outdoor space

Toys and touch items – sign-in clipboard, pencil, art materials, nature museum, children’s toys (mud kitchen, ropes, fabric, etc.)

End of day meeting – extended conversation, outdoors
Be mindful to maintain distance.

Encounters with other park users – staff potentially in close contact with strangers outdoors
Be mindful to maintain distance.

Transportation to work – close contact in confined space.
Staff travelling in a vehicle together must wear masks while in the vehicle.

Home Office – confined indoor space
Must run HEPA filters continuously. Staff will work on separate floors whenever possible.
Staff will wear masks when working together indoors.
team meetings will take place outdoors.

Home office touch items – keyboard, mouse, binders, pencils, scissors, etc
These items must be sanitized with alcohol sanitizer twice daily. At change of hands: 1pm and 5pm.

Office bathroom – touch items, handles & switches
Bathroom must be wiped down with fresh bleach solution at change of hands: 1pm and 5pm.
The toilet lid MUST be closed when flushing.

Cleaning & Disinfecting Policies

The following items must be disinfected with a fresh bleach solution at the end of each session:

  • Art materials: scissors, pencils, felts, crayons
  • Mud kitchen items: all metal scoops & plastic buckets
  • Clipboard: sign-in sheet is only to be handled by one person each day
  • Backpacks: staff are responsible for packing and maintaining their own gear. Staff are not to use each other’s backpacks to minimize common touch points.

Risk of Violence from Public

Due to our working in a very public setting there is always a risk of a member of the public becoming aggressive or violent. Kindness is king and most incidents are simple misunderstandings that can be diffused by remaining friendly and smiling.

Staff should direct an aggressive park user to discuss their issue with Krystal who is always on site. In the rare event she is ill and not on site, staff are encouraged to NOT ENGAGE an angry park user and to give them a Sprouting Knowledge business card should they wish to complain to someone.

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