Parenting doesn’t come with a manual but it really ought to because there are a ton of things about young children that would be really helpful to know. This page is an effort to help you out with that.
Interior Health has been developing their website and it is very comprehensive.
Child Development
One of the most significant things you can do as a parent is learn about child development and the associated milestones.
I believe we do not need to rush children to grow up but rather support them exactly where they are at.
You can begin that journey by using milestone tools to self assess your child’s development.
If you have concerns or questions related to your child’s development visit our local CCRR – EYC (Childcare Resource and Referral & Early Years Center) and request an Ages and Stages Questionnaire. They are free to access and staff are trained in their usage. This is our local development resource tool.
- Jon Todd Y
150 Wood Street
Current Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00am-4:00pm
Phone: 250-376-4771
At this point you may be referred to one of our local child therapy agencies for additional support and resources.
- Kamloops Public Health Unit (Speech, Audiology, Nutrition, Dental, Nursing) – 250-851-7300
- Children’s Family Therapy and Resource Center – 250-371-4100
- Kamloops Infant Development Program 250-371-4140
- Lii Michif Otipemisiwak Family and Community Services 250-554-9486
- Secwepemc Child & Family Services 250-314-9669
Additional Community Resources >
Please note:
Early intervention in the form of tools and skills you and your child can learn can dramatically shift your child’s trajectory. Early intervention does NOT have to be about the diagnosis or the label. It can be about learning how you can best support your child’s learning so they grow up confident and competent.I myself am an autistic adult and raised a daughter who struggles with ADHD. It has been massively helpful for both of us to better understand ourselves and identify where we need to be extra gentle and supportive with our unique and amazing selves.
I’ve been a parent since 2003. Like many of you I’ve been deeply committed to being the best parent I can possibly be. This has meant A LOT of deep inner work on myself and becoming a firm, loving presence in my children’s lives. Here are some of the more common issues/supports I encounter.