Plants of Peterson Creek

From the top to bottom of the forest here are some of the most commonly found and easy to identify flora growing in Peterson Creek in Kamloops BC. This article is a work in progress and updates are welcome.

Overstory/Canopy Layer

Ponderosa Pine

Douglas Fir

Black Cottonwood

Rocky Mountain Juniper

Russian Olive

Mountain Ash

Willow (various)

Maples (various)

There is one Hawthorn I know of in the park and a single horse chestnut.

Shrub Layer

Red Osier Dogwood



Pin Cherry


There are a handful of garden cultivars such as cotton easters and barberries that I assume have been ‘planted’ by birds.

Field Layer

Oregon Grape


Rabbit bush


Poison Ivy

Creeping Virgina

Deadly Nightshade

Honey suckle

Crested Wheatgrass

Ground Layer

Prickly Pear Cactus

Here is a lovely wildflower article from an avid local outdoor enthusiast.

Missing from this list are the arrowleaf balsamroot, gallardia, mariposa lilies and larkspur that are a less common sight due to people picking them.

Please do not pick wildflowers unless you know the FULL lifecycle of that plant.

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