First Week

Hello lovely parents.

You may have noticed your child brought home a tiny slip of paper with their Nature Name on it.

At the beginning of each session every child get’s a nature name. Their nature name gives them the special powers of that plant or animal should they choose to learn about them. We encourage children and their parents to learn about the animal together and come back and share what they’ve learned with us.

Back Pack Items

I know our gear list is a lot to remember and get used to but there are some commonly forgotten items that are really helpful for us to have so we like to drop a quick reminder here after the first week.

  1. A grocery bag for wet and dirty clothes
  2. 2 bread bags
  3. Snack/lunch bag
    (it is very helpful to your child’s independence if all their lunch items are in a single bag)


We attempt to tell the stories of our adventures on our social platforms so you can share them with your child and other family members.

You can read these stories on our blog, on our Facebook page and on our Instagram page.

Thanks everyone see you next week!

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