This week we will look at the many flowers blooming in our community. I couldn’t possibly include them all so I’ve gathered some of the most common and marked those which we can pick and those which are best left in place.
You will need:
- Flower hunt list
- A container for flowers
When you’ve gathered a collection of flowers from your yard and neighbourhood bring them home to create a beautiful pressed flower Mother’s Day card. (you can speed up your flower pressing project by using an iron)
My #1 goal is always toward stewardship.
Stewardship is when we take the time to care for something outside of ourselves.
As humans we are always going to pick and harvest natural materials so it is important to instill some mindfulness toward that activity when we are with our little ones. Just because we “can” pick it doesn’t mean we should pick it.
If you’d like to continue your flower hunting in a nature park or on a trail make sure to remind your little one to not pick the wildflowers .
There are some wonderful local resources for identifying flowers.
My favorite field guide is an out of print one called Plants of Southern Interior BC that you can sometimes find on Amazon.
We have a local Facebook group called the Kamloops Wildflower Project where some local naturalists share their vast knowledge.