Hello Lovely Forest Families
The days are getting progressively colder as winter approaches and we are having so much fun noticing the many changes in the park. We can expect it to be 0-5 degrees C at drop-off and progressively colder. Children who are warm have fun. The ones who aren’t do not.
It is helpful to your child if they have the following either on them or in their backpack:
- a fleece layer of clothing
- snack mittens
- spare socks
- mittens that fit well
Please check the weather and use the daytime low to dress your child appropriately.
If they do not want to wear something that you feel is essential please bring it and we are happy to support your child in making the choice to put it on 😉
Snack Mitten Reminder
It’s the time of year when snack mittens can make all the difference in your child’s ability to eat their snack comfortably. If you haven’t already please pop a pair of clean thin mittens or gloves in your child’s snack or lunch kit.
These mittens are to only be used for eating so please front load your child by having this conversation ahead of time. It is helpful to put them in a ziplock bag or make them a different colour.
Tea & Cider
We are going to start bringing tea and cider to help make us all feel a little cozier in the mornings. We invite you to send a mug for your child should you choose. We also have many mugs.
If you are sending your child with tea we remind you to NOT pour water out of the kettle into their thermos. We have seen children burned quite badly over the years by taking an enthusiastic sip of the tea their parents made them. A thermos’ keeps liquids quite hot!
Fall Photos
Stacey, one of our delightful parents from our Thursday class has offered to take a few fall photos of your child after preschool on for $20. Look at these adorable ones she took of her daughter. Aren’t they so sweet! I’m planning to wrangle my boys to see her.
Hope you have a fabulous week.
Kind Regards,
Krystal Jeffrey
Lead Adventurer Sprouting Knowledge
PS. I invite you to try playing outdoors first thing in the morning with your child on another day of the week for at least an hour.
Preschoolers often do not have the language to communicate their bodily sensations such as cold. Something as simple as “my fingers are cold” can be really hard for our little ones to process. You are your child’s best teacher and can help them find their voice.
For a three year old child only times they have experienced cold is when they were toddlers and infants. They haven’t learned the level of control they now have over themselves. We truly do empower them when we give them the tools to care for themselves such as affirming language and cozy things to put on when they feel chilly.
We are building these skills together 🙂