Staff On-Boarding

Staff Registration

Welcome to Sprouting Knowledge. Completing this form starts you on your journey behind the scenes with Sprouting Knowledge. When you submit this form you will be taken to a page where you can download a copy of our Orientation Handbook. We will also email you a link that has more information about our on-boarding process. We are so glad you are joining us. Thank you for taking on this work.

Please select the role you were hired for:(Required)
Have you submitted?
I need these 5 things to complete your HR file.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please list the education and training credentials you’d like families to know about.
What do you love about children, their development, their play, their learning? What makes you joy-full in your work with children?
As it relates to outdoor experiences. This could be a trip you went on, a challenging adventure, a skill you mastered or a project you completed.
That is relevant to the work of safety, play, outdoors and children. This could be simply a list of hobbies, a favorite food, your values.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, Max. file size: 128 MB.
This could be a headshot, a family photo, a selfie. Whatever you’d like families to see when getting to know you.